Jill Kleckner

Early Childhood/Special Education

The Early Childhood/Special Education Class (EC/SE) in Caledonia, began 33 years ago when a group of parents of young children with special needs decided it was time for Caledonia to have their own program. Starting with those first five kids, the program has served many children and families through the years.
The children who attend EC/SE are three to seven years old and have been identified with unique learning needs. This has been done through observation, evaluation and team decisions that include the parents as key members. The children have been referred to the school by parents, doctors, nurses, preschool teachers, Public Health Workers, Human Services etc. Many of the children transition into the program from the Birth to Three program which serves children birth to three in their homes.

Once a child has qualified for EC/SE we meet together to plan an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for the child. Parents are the most important part of this programming as they know their child best and can give the team direction as to what they would like their child to achieve. A plan is written up and once the parents review and sign it, intervention can begin.

The EC/SE is integrated with the Hand-in-Hand Preschool classes. This means that most activities are done together with the children in their classrooms. The Children in these three programs benefit from learning and playing together. During this time the children are involved in fun pre-school experiences that target socialization, developmental skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, behavior and functional skills. Whatever is on your child’s Individual Education Plan is what we target.
Speech/Language services are available. A Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Teacher of the Hearing Impaired, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Audiologist and other low incidence specialist are available to us from the Hiawatha Valley Education District. They consult with us if your child needs the service of one of them.

Your child’s schedule is also individualized. The children may attend up to four mornings a week depending on their needs. Transportation is provided throughout the district.

We love to have visitors and volunteers in our room. You will most likely be put to work as the kids love having extra attention. Please call if you have any questions or are concerned about your child’s development.

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